Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On the Subject of Vasectomies

Well, the subject of vasectomies reared its head in our house recently (no pun intended, seriously).  The Hub announced last week he'd scheduled an appointment to get snipped; in a week; there ya go. Now, I am not a real let's-alter-ourselves-permanently kind of gal;  I don't know that I could go under the knife for a boob job (though after nursing this one and the exodus - think Israelites from Egypt, I may need one!)... the turkey neck's a whole different matter.  So, the thought of PERMANENT sterilization really doesn't sit well with me (think coupla chili dogs and a ride on Disney's teacups).  And today the Hub cancelled his appointment, citing to the doc that apparently he'd not been cleared for take -off completely - YA THINK?  

I don't know if it's a "feels like the end of a chapter in my life", or "I cannot believe I won't ever hold one of my newborn babies again", or "am I really this *@#$%* Old?" kinda thing.  But, I went into systems overload!  I never wanted kids when we first married, and here I am with FOUR (the Masses); and it's great!!!!  Yeah, there are some days I'd like to sell 'em to gypsies and pay 'em to keep 'em, but I really do enjoy them SO MUCH!  And trust me, dogs are not the same, nor are hammies.  If you asked me (and you know you want to), NO I DO NOT WANT MORE CHILDREN!  But, I am definitely a KEEP-THE-OPTIONS-OPEN kinda gal.  First, it really is time, and Neva Kate is truly a miracle, and I cannot afford another helicopter ride... not to mention the 'David' guy's insightful input that I should stop breeding.  But I don't feel right about closing off channels that were made open; and I have a VERY RELIABLE form of BC in use - so why the rush?

Does he think a little snippy can possibly compete with two episiotomies and two C-sections?  Well, the Hub will be really disappointed to find out that NO, it cannot even compare (shall we factor in the growing and breastfeeding part - the whole ' trump card'?)  I mean, I'm more reliable housing than the biodome, right? And much better dressed, too!  Is he awake nights fearful that we could reproduce AGAIN?  This is not what I had in mind, mind you, hence the BIRTH CONTROL!

But I understand... he's a guy. And men like to finish a project, and move on.  So, he's finished his project, and he's ready to move on!  This is hard for me b/c I have a 6 mos. old, and she is growing up way too quickly.  I know she is the 'final four', and I want to savor every moment (except the one last night where she shrieked at me at 3am for changing her diaper BEFORE the Ninni);  I want to remember each and every second like a slide show in my mind, b/c I suppose, I am not ready for it to end,... but I will be, and I have faith everything will be alright.  And that we will only have four children - four fantastic-ly lovely children... denting the wall in the basement... right now... and I may have to amend the number after I head down there... though I am now reminding my self that children are a blessing, and sons a reward (Proverbs?)... emphasis on reward... theirs in heaven... where they may be goin' soon!!!! (J/K!!!!!)

Have now warned the Masses via God's gift to multiple storied home owners, the intercom, that I am on my way... and it is VERY eerily quiet down there now... (to be continued)

(really suspenseful,eh?)

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