Thursday, July 24, 2008

On Spermafrost

So, the urologist suggested that we consider another option while debating the merits of a vasectomy: banking the Hub's sperm, in case we change our minds later (which tells me that I was correct - reversals ain't that successful).  He says lots of folks do that as a safety net, and it seems to attenuate the fears of "what if we change our minds!?"  And that opens the doors to thoughts disturbing on sooooo many levels!!!  Read on.

What if, years down the road, we forget about the sperm?  And they improve the freezing process so well that, say it's around for YEARS?  And, we pray, at a ripe old age we go on home to be with Jesus, and at the reading of our wills, the subject of the Hub's Permafrosted Boys (hence the term Spermafrost) comes up - specifically in the form of them being in our revocable trusts  and therefore being willed to our offspring!!!  I suppose we could provide that they could be defrosted to assist anyone of our kids should there be infertility,... but that would make their children technically their siblings, and that is so backwoods wrong on so many,... no make that EVERY level - EEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!

And you may be thinking, what is so wrong with you that you would think that up?  But, in my defense, Tigo and I were talking last night, and we jumped to the same preposterously demented conclusion simultaneously ( please note the use of many large 'college' words - impressed?  Look at the big brain on Katie!!) So, if I'm a sicko, so is she!  Guilt by association!!!

But, the Spermafrost industry hasn't progressed to that point yet, and it isn't a frozen embryo, which I would be tempted to use I suppose, so I will think about this,... and try to put the whole far-fetched inbreeding scenario (really nuts, eh?) from my mind.  And I think that they expire after five years or so, which would put me in the older than Sarah and Abraham category, and I would not be even the slightest bit interested then!

And so goes the debate about fertility.  And yes, I let the kiddies live,... no dents in the wall despite the horrible cracking sound... and I am writing today before the bugger-heads even awaken... dang I'm smart!!!  Even #4 is sleeping like the tiny beautiful angel she is; I solved the diaper changing issue - made the Hub do it last night - HA!!!!

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