Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Non-stay At Home Mom

I don't know about you, but I am plumb worn out from the summer and and the million activities (not an exaggeration) we've thrown ourselves into.  The Hub thought this would be a great time for the kids to experience some NEW things: art classes, tennis. In addition to all the other stuff we do. Oh, and Hip Hop/Jass for #1; he wants them to get "activity and exercise".  This is just one of his numerous "kicks" he's been on in the twelve years we've been hitched.  One year it was family hikes - I carried our 2 year-old for MILES!!!!  That one didn't last too long, though it does raise its ugly head now and then.  Last summer when I was pregnant and puking with #4, he almost started some sicko camping trip by purchasing a tent, no less, and erecting it in the front yard!!!!  Boy, did that bring about some comments from the friends, who all know I DO NOT CAMP.... EVER... FOR ANY REASON... AT ALL... EVER... NON-NEGOTIABLE.  ANd that is my final word.

So, I have spent what feels like the last nine years of summer (which really only amounts to weeks here, but they have been long weeks) schlepping the Masses to various fun, enlightening, and physically fit activities.  And then there's the pool or boat.

Which means that I ready everything - lots of food, b/c for some reason food makes the Masses ravenous, sunscreen, towels, shoes, drinks, more sunscreen (we are seriously pale people) - to schlepp out to the pool or boat.  ANd then I don a Satan Suit and get a 'high' exposing my dimply flesh to the tan, slender folks who I hate for no other reason, but that they are tan and slender.  If we go to the boat, it isn't so bad, b/c we take folks we know REALLY well and they are used to my paleness (and other unappealing qualities).  And this makes me wonder if man, and of course woman, was ever really meant to swim!

But, today, I must ponder my fat's fate (to sun or not to sun?) no longer, as it is starting to rain!!!!  No Satan Suit for me today!!!!!  Now that just says Happy Hanukah all over it, doesn't it?  And If the Hub brought home dinner too,... well, it'd be Happy Card Day too!  I can hunker down and pray for school to start soon, ... tonight?!!!  And perhaps go to bed early... we've got tennis tomorrow....

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