Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm a Giver

For those of you lovely ladies, an possibly my Favorite and Only Hair Guru (to be called the Hair Guru from here on out), I am unable to send emails; Sister Scout is grieving, crying her pretty eyes out - pray for her.  I can receive emails, but we all know 'tis better to give than to receive.... So, I have tech support working diligently (that would be the Hub, when he isn't saving lives or fishing) to restore me to the world of email writing.  As if the blog isn't enough!!!  I know, I know, I'm a giver!!!!

And last night I was given a surprise (get your minds outta the gutter there, gals and Guru): #1 came and asked me to write the web address for something dolls emporium (some place where she dresses up cyber paperdolls - very age appropriate) so she could bookmark it ON MY NEW COMPUTER!!!!! OH NO NO NO NONO MA'AM!!!!!!!

I flew outta my seat faster than a tourist in Mexico after an authentic meal - think about it - and dashed to save my new little baby!  I had reluctantly approved her feeding her little Webkins, and feeding them only - what  a sham!!!  To think I fell for that sond and dance! Think I'll order that intrascalpal GPS device b/c we'll need it for this one for sure!

And then we reviewed the rules: 
1. This is Mommy's computer, and NOT YOURS.
2. You will never touch Mommy's computer again - the Webkin devils can starve for all I care!  If they're so smart, why can't they feed themselves?
3. There is no bookmarking on Mommy's computer, especially since we will never be allowed to use it again (starve, Webkins, starve!!!)
4. Don't even try to sneak onto Mommy's computer, or you won't ever see you Webkin pals again!!! Muh-wahhhhaaaahahhaahaaa (this is the typed version of an evil laugh - add some hand wringing, and its quite chilling!)

Oh, I know - you're thinking you aren't a giver, or a sharer for that matter. Well, you are wrong. There, I said it!  First off, I shared my body (I've grown four kids), shared my boobs (breastfeeding - sorry Guru, the truth has to come out though); I share my bed, and some nights I share it with more people than I'd like to; I share the TV to the point that I no longer watch or can tell you the popular shows; I share my house with 4 (#4 too young to make much mess) of the messiest creatures God ever put on the face of the earth - I include the Hub in this b/c he'd never take out the garbage if left up to him (I'm planning an intervention); I share my vehicle with people who have been know to vomit or bleed profusely in motorized/ moving things; I share the food off my plate b/c everyone knows that even though we have the SAME THING on our plates, mine is obviously better; and I even share my Diet Coke - to me this ranks up there with donating a kidney!!!  I have even shared my bath with my little naked babies (and yes, I am aware that they most likely peed in it) until #3 started calling my n-i-p-p-l-e-s moles and trying to pinch them off; this takes the cute share-the-bath-with-your-toddler thing to the level of too-much-into-my-personal-space thing. BTW: certain words are just offensive to me, and I will therefore spell them to save me the discomfort of reading them; another is the word g-r-o-i-n.  Really? Can't someone come up with something better?

I await your reply Hair Guru, as you did have some interesting vernacular today... 'twisty bits'?

So, you are wrong... I am a GENEROUS giver... it just so happens that I don't want to give this particular item... and I paid for it, and it is mine... and I am OK with that. Stupid Webkins.

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