Sunday, July 20, 2008

No easy vacationa

Well, after nearly two weeks, I'm back and on my new mac notebook, cuz the Hub's encountered multisystem organ failure after a little bout of lightening!  Seriously, that's the second computer we've lost to the dreaded disease, but we caught this one early, and believe medical treatment will bring a full cure.

While I was on hiatus, I was sluggin' plenty of the Elixir of Life... Sonic Diet Coke, as Sybil came to visit with her offspring.  There's a new personality: Buffey - the female version of my 75 year-old father!!!  SCARY!!!!  It seems she's shifted her speed down about four hundred notches, and just putters around talking incessantly, and she had a fling with my washer; no kidding - it's got a shimmy that it has never had before... over 4 days she did 14 (count them) loads of laundry.  I have no idea what she washed, cuz my laundry was still there starring me down when I climbed into bed!  We may have to do an intervention!! She has a more intimate relationship with my Fischer-Paykel washer and dryer than she does with me!!!!  This is an observation, not a complaint!  They left on schedule and with minimal amount of property damage.  Not bad.

I do have a new laptop - wireless - really advanced techno.  The Hub set it up for me - girls gotta have her boundaries. Still waiting on Tigo to come set up a nifty slide show....

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