Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On the Subject of Various and Sundry Things

Today's like a variety show; we've got the dancers (#1 has created a routine to involve #3 & #2 - this oughta go over really well), the clowns (#3 & #2),  the animal acts (same as the two before), and the baby animals on the midway (#4, of course).  As for me, I'm the Ringmaster and I spotlight in the Dog and Pony Show.  Serious talent.  It feels like a circus around here somedays.

So, #1 has a birthday coming up, or haven't you heard?  I think she's taken out an ad on national radio... or at least everyone we've passed in Wallies knows!!!  She requested a skateboard, to which the Hub (lookin' for brownie points?) replied, " They're dangerous - you could break your arm!"  This from the man who endorses dangerous recreational vehicles and guns, together mind you,  with his seven year old!!!  Oh yes, I DID point out the irony.  Leave no stone unturned is my motto!

We are sweatin' it out this week before school starts the 18th, which leads me back to the days where I thought I could homeschool.  Now, if we were missionaries in a third world country and this was the only way the Masses could learn to read, write, and go to college so that someday they will support themselves and their future families (and gorgeous children, no doubt), so that we can travel and not give them any money,... then I'd be all about it.  But we aren't.  But I can't help but feel like some sort of failure because a part of me would love to be like the super mom who can bake her own bread, nurse the baby, and teach my child Thoreau, all while organizing a summer children's Shakespeare theater - simultaneously.  I think my expectations may be a little unreasonable!


False alarm.  Anyway, I think #1's personality might be a HUGe challenge, as she would probably thin she's smarter than I am and in charge - which is the problem with helping #2 with homework - she stops doing hers, and starts 'helping' him, despite the fact that I am standing right there helping him (actually overseeing is a better word), and makes him royally p.o.'ed, which leads to fights, and then her whining that she still has to sit there and finish her homework after he's done, b/c she doesn't want to do hers anyway.  In fact, when it comes to any summertime school work I have them do to keep their brains working, she grips, whines, and moans - it's just ugly. All b/c she wants to be in charge.

Why, just last night, she got in trouble for lying (again) about brushing her teeth and brushing her hair - this is an ongoing saga, as she simply won't do it or delays doing it as her form of disobedience b/c as we've figured out she doesn't like anyone telling her what to do - she's gonna be 9!  She's got a lot of years of being told what to do ahead of her, so she is gonna need to come to peace with our authority.  We devised a reasonable punishment (involving money, which is painful for her - the money comes back to us).  I also have a really sneaky suspicion that she's gonna get some serious orders for the next few weeks, politely but more than usual - she has to get it that we're boss!!!   AHHHHH, boot camp!!!!

I shall be know as Drill Sargent Granola Mama, and she shall be Private #1!!!!  And camo is in, in small tasteful amounts that is... maybe pink?  This should be real fun. Please note the lack of enthusiasm - gonna be some LONG days.

I do wish sort of that I thought my kids would love it (homeschooling), and thrive, and be happy,... and that I thought most of all 
i'd survive.  

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