Wednesday, August 13, 2008

On the Subject of Bloggin

First, the question is: to blog or not to blog? Stupid question!  Second: have I outgrown my guilt of NOT homeschooling? Again, stupid question!!!  So, I am embracing the upcoming week of early rising, morning rush, and a mad dash to the schools... with unusual enthusiasm!  While anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely adore my Masses, they will also tell you that a girl needs a little peace and quiet... and a chance to go through their rooms and get rid of their garbage!  Apparently, #1 has forgone all warnings about harboring food substances illegally under her bed and in her closet, and something has taken life form, and is creating MORE dirty laundry.  Like the Masses need help in that department! 

What will I do with all my spare time?

Not what the Hub wishes, that's for sure! (And even if I did meet him at the office wearing nothing but a mink coat, don't you think it would raise suspicions? A mink coat in August? Matt spending that kind of money for dead, wearable vermin? The cleaning lady walking in? The car stranding me?) Probably I'll fill the schedule with volunteering and all the usual - raising the family, and enjoying a clutter free living room for a few hours a day.  Perhaps I'll blog more, as I am sure the 4th grade girls' drama will generate some discussion.  Or maybe I'll actually watch the shows I TiVo'd.  Or watch the Olympics... finally.  Or maybe just enjoy the peace and quiet - I may turn the phones off!  I might invest time creating gourmet dinners which none of the Masses will try, or plan the dogs' funerals (Ok, really, I don't like them enough anymore to plan a funeral - a party, yes; mourning, no.)  So many possibilities!

I hope to find time to watch the grass grow like so many of my retired neighbors; this is apparently a full time job.  It takes a lot of time. And iced tea ... or is it? (they are AWFULLY darned happy about the grass, ya know) I might think about watering my yard by hand ... with a hose ... following the shade across the yard ... or walk the dog (ha ha ha ha )!  My, but I feel like gettin' busy right now with all these exciting things to try!!!  I could get a police scanner ... or raise silk worms ... or get an online degree from Devry ... or crotchet a new bedspread ... or take up naked painting (save on laundry; not painting myself or a naked portrait of me - that's just wrong on every level!).  Perhaps I'll extend my dwarf hamster breeding program ... or get tech support over here to fix the stupid email ... or learn to wire my own lamps (fire dept. on speed dial) ... or write a theme song to accompany me - now there's an idea!

But, I think when #4 naps, I'll just go back to bed.  It's been a long, fun summer ... I deserve it.

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