Saturday, August 23, 2008

On the Subject of The Hub's Fitness Fanatacisms

The Hub comes up with a 'new' fitness obsession about twice yearly, once in the spring, and once in the fall - usually.  He doesn't have much time to exercise during the week, and up until the past three years had just stuck to the weekend warrior role, but that changed - maybe four years ago? - around the time I conceived #3, and I remember MANY nauseated (me, not the walk) strolls with the Masses and the Hub.  Then came the hiking craze; oh, yes, I've bjorned my way through many an adventure after #3 arrived. And now we've moved on to yet another new, and exciting phase!

Apparently, since I 'stay at home', I have oodles and oodles of time to work-out; and since #3 JUST started going to Montessori 3 days a week last week, I've had my fair share of walks with him, and yoga (which he does like), and TurboJam (again, popular also with the 7 and under crowd).  I am also unbelievable skilled in using the elliptical trainer while he hangs from the handles or jumps off the cabinets - neither of which I approve of, all of which are apparently signaled in his little brain by the hum of the elliptical trainer!  The Hub seems to be a bit jealous of my two hours a week with the Medieval Torture Specialist, but I can guarantee that'd change if he could feel what I feel right now (my legs are numb with pain, and I am afraid to sit on the potty for fear that I'll be here 'til the Masses and the Hub return from their outing).

So, it's biking and hiking. THe new phase, that is.  So  today I decided that I ought to try out his bike, as I haven't been on one since college, and that was a tandem bike race.  Went pretty well. Before that, I power walked for 40 minutes - this is just walking really fast but trying not to look really dorky doing it (no excessive arm swinging, but some butt clenching - gotta do what ya gotta do).  THen, we dressed the Masses, and the Hub took us for some "FAMILY FUN".  We all know this is code for Family Pain and Suffering (FPS), and no one is spared, even poor #4 who is only 7 months old (and pulling up already - yes, we discussed how wrong that is... NO EARLY WALKING!!!!!!).  Hub had ordered a book about Family Hikes, and READ IT (though I read the parenting books,... and just tell him what to do -HMMMM - he CAN read!!!), and picked out a place 10 minutes away to go 'hiking'.

We expected a little dirt path, park like setting, a stream, some ducks and other assorted wildlife,... and we were so wrong!  We DID use sunscreen and bug spray (thanks, Andrea), but I have to confess I fear that there are some mutant bugs out there - read on to see why.  SO, I strap #4 into the hip hammock for our .9 mile 'hike'.  ONE AND A HALF HOT SWEATIN' KIDS GRIPIN' AND CRYIN' SEED TICK SWARMING HOUR LATER WE MADE IT BACK TO THE CAR... WITH EVERY STINKIN' SEED TICK ATTACHED!!!!!!!!!!!!

#3 had them literally SWARMING on his legs - too freaky!!!! - at one point, and .9 mile my hiney!  We truly hiked through a FOREST - trail marked only by blue stripes painted on the trees!!!  I think the book The Hub read was a little, um, MISLEADING????!!!!!

We returned to the car, wiped up the kids (#4 was PTL spared the tickfest), and proceed to drive home... when the tickies jumped from my jeans to my arms, face, and shirt!  I started slappin, and swattin, and all the while tryin to maintain a smile so I don't look like the big whiner - they were crawling on the seat!!!!!! EEEWWWWW!!!!!!!!

FYI - bathing in medicated shampoo does a nice job of halting tickfest (we used Selsum Blue, which we had on hand for #4's persistent cradle cap );  this may only apply to seed ticks.  Also, baby wipes will help get 'em off 'til you can get home and shampoo all your tick-y parts.

So, the Hub did admit that his idea was a big old bomb - old meaning of the word, here, and that I ought to have and use some veto power when he comes up with these fab ideas!  Finally, after 12 years.... So, now I have to go take some Motrin and apply a little Caladryl,... gonna be a long phase - just a feeling!

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