Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What's Fair is Fair

THANK YOU, SISTER, FOR YOUR COMMENT!!!!  For all you other lazy-butt peeps, she's got our backs - yea!!!  Not to worry, I'm gonna start packin' (I wish for Paris, but no, the fair parade).

I realized just a little bit ago that we had two conflicting events: soccer practice and the fair parade!  What a colossal catastrophe!!!  I don't know how I'm gonna break this one to the kids, but I know which one is gettin' ditched... the fair parade!!

Blasphemy or wisdom?  Really folks, the parade is THE SAME every year, and so are the hardships involved!  We have to get there about an hour early, or parking is an issue, and feed the kiddies Mickey D's, which they'll get anyway, and wait for the stupid thing to start, and it's usually hot and humid, and today might drizzle a little (and my hair looks too Jaclyn Smith fab as I saw the Hair Guru today), and I'm going to opt for the no show!  ANd the route is on the main drag, so until they block the street off, we have to constantly keep suicide vigil lest one of them decide to dart into oncoming traffic.  AND there is the whole candy issue.

Parade walkers/ floaters throw candy. Lots of it. And the children madly scramble after it amongst other children with vehicles and tractors or horses slowly rolling by.  And there are always some kids that hog more than their share - last year it was MY kids, so proud - and they fight about it... should I go on?  Needless to say, parades aren't my favorite thing with kids.  And there's a Christmas parade, and a Valentine's Parade, and  Fourth of July Parade, and A 'Whatever ' Parade... OK, not so many, but we've got some seriously parade happy people around here!!!  And parade happy attenders, which reminds me of Sister O'Well, who will no doubt be on the front lines grabbin' candy with the best of 'em (and her grandson - she's teaching 'em younguns right!!!) 

But alas, heretic that I am, I will be on the other side of town at the soccer fields, happily smelling turkey poo!!!  I'll take the latter!

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