Monday, September 29, 2008

From Under the Rock

Well, I  am currently hiding under a rock, or at least wish I was; the Hub had a Freak Out over the financial crisis Thursday, and we all spent the weekend treating our ulcers!  He's not one to Freak Out, but everyone is alloted a certain number of Freak Outs, and He's officially used one; we survived the blast.  Still smokin' though.

So, Saturday, I slipped into one of my beloved nursing bras (have 8 month old, remember?); and it felt odd.  I couldn't quite place my finger on it until I looked in the mirror, and was greeted by the leaning boobs of Pisa!  It seems that one of the underwires (the left cup) has gone AWOL!!!  How is that possible?  It isn't in the washer or dryer, or the drawer, or laundry basket, or the bra.  So where did it go?

Several months ago I experienced the phenomenon of the broken underwire - twice!!! - causing me to explore and coin the word "bodacity" in reference to my bossom.  This has, sadly, not always been the case; nor will it last, I fear.  I expect the Great Exodus when I finish nursing #4 (envision the Israelites leaving Egypt).  But for now, I am cursed with the repercussions of the BIg Busted Gal, as well as the oddities, such as the Disappearing Underwire.

I am still looking for the underwire, and hope to find it before my son does and takes it to school as a boomerang... this could get embarrassing.

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