Thursday, September 4, 2008

On the Subject of Putting the Masses to Bed

My apologies for yesterday's venting - THe Hub addressed the situation with the cyber-bully Superior Dude, and all is peaceful in Cyber Land once again.  No more Katie Bashing, unless dully warranted - and we all know there are plenty of valid opportunities!!!!

So, tonight I have whatever nasty virus the Masses have sooooo lovingly shared with me, and pretty much feel like walked on ground in eaten by worms horse poop.  And very snotty.  In fact, I question how much snot the human body can produce.  Surely, I've reached max capacity!  I'm sportin' the raw red spot at the base of the nares ... nice!

And this is why I want the Masses to GO TO BED!  I took some cold medicine (nighttime formula), and I feel gooooood!!!  I want to enjoy my legal cold-medicine high in peace - besides, I was having a nice conversation with ME, Myself, and I, and we were really get somewhere with the whole solve world hunger thing.  But, #3 has come upstairs 4 times now, for various lame, made-up reasons, and frankly, I'm about to lock the basement door and plug my ears to block out the screaming!  I'd pay serious money to go to bed this early!  I'd pay even more to have some chocie - milk and a show and then go to a nice cozy bed, get kissed on the head and have someone turn out the lights, and say 'nightie-night'!!!

Isn' t it ironic how we fight sleep as infants and children, avoid it as adolescents and twenties, and then when we can't have any b/c of having babies, we crave it like chocolate and Diet Coke (oh, you know you do!) , which is how we get hooked on chocolate and Diet Coke!  Are we hard wired this way, or is this some type of evolutionary mutation (this has nothing to do with whether or not you believe in evolution or Creationism... I'm talking nature vs. nurture here)?

Are we trying to catch up on all the sleep we missed during the first part of our lives?  Is THAT why I am sooooo tired?  Too many late nights?  Brings new meaning to the phrase: "Paying for your raising"!  Isn't anyone doing any research on this subject?  I'd sign up as a sleep test subject - I'll sleep a lot and let ya know how I feel in the morning!  Where do I report for duty?

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