Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On the Subject of the Hub's Email

well, before I elaborate, let me give you an FYI: the doggie diaper is working nicely.  we had the new carpet put in today, and I employed said diaper, and have thus far experienced success!  It has been 3 hours 27 minutes, and 43, no 44 seconds!!!!!  Yippee!  No pee - and doggie still alive - win- win for both of us!

So, on to our more pressing topic, which wasn't a topic until recently (like 4 minutes ago).  It seems that the age-old ritualistic female-bashing is still practiced, especially amongst our more cro-mag-man species!  I tend to open most of the email, as this is a family computer, and the Hub has proven in the past to only tell me things that he and the Big Names cook up until the last minute, which does tend to irritate me b/c I need a little 'plan' time.  Anyway, I read a nice "Katie Bash" in one of them, relating to something years ago (I told him he couldn't go on a trip with the boys b/c he had been several places already that year for work or sport), and this fella makes some snide comment about it - my how hard I am laughing.  He fails to see the responsibility-free life he leads clearly through his superior-colored lenses: he and his spouse, who won't take his surname, have chosen not  to have children, mainly because she doesn't want any.  Fine.  I think she is perfectly capable of deciding whether she wants to be a parent; heaven knows that more people ought to make that choice - and some days I think I am not the best parent I could be!  But, we have four children; the Hub has a busy practice; and he also has a myriad of time consuming hobbies.  I have the right to say,"hey, enough fun for just you, Buddy! Stay home and enjoy your family so we can enjoy you!"  but according to Superior Dude, I am to fault.  Now, I have my faults, but the Hub will tell you that telling him he can't go do things is not really one of them.  I'm good with him fishing, or golfing, or a little road trip with the boys, but don't think you get 'em all in one month!!!!! ( In my defense, he had been gone for 5 weeks out of 6 1/2 months; we had three little kids, and that is a lot for them,... and me.)

So, I hope Superior dude feels so much better about himself for 'bashing' me.  I feel pretty much the same, thank you very much.  Except it doesn't really do much to endear Superior Dude, and his cronies, to me; just not feelin' the love.  I also, wish I didn't feel like I had to defend myself to him or anyone else.  But this is one time I doubt the Hub is gonna rush in with his guns a blazin', so to speak.  Funny, Superior Dude isn't whalin' on Jellyfish, who attends NONE of their functions, b/c of the BLack Widow (she hates all Jellyfishes' family and friends).  His lenses must be awfully foggy!!!!

So, (here it comes, another cosmically enlightening message), I don't think we should have to justify our actions on the best behalf of our families to anyone, and I think others ought to take into account that they haven't walked in my moccasins and evaluate our behavior with that in mind... OR JUST FRANKLY BUTT OUT!!!  And , so I should evaluate the behavior of others with the same open mind, and understand that there are circumstances beyond my knowledge causing their behavior and choices.

Food for thought.  Oh, THe Hub wants me to stop reading his email; he'll have to prove himself first.  Or better yet, why not stand up for me and tell the homies WHY I sometimes (VERY RARELY) veto his trips - and I said he could go on the one this past August, but homeslice couldn't work his schedule out. That is officially NOT MY FAULT!

He's got some choices... Door #1, or Door #2?  (tick tock, tick tock...)

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