Thursday, February 26, 2009

Apparently, I am funny...

THe conversation went something like this:

ME: Hey, homeslice, I noticed you haven't invitied me to be your friend on facebook yet.
HUB: Why should I? We're married! (chuckles at his cleverness)
ME: Well, what do you think that says about our relationship? Hmmmm?
HUB: Well, I guess not much!  I noticed YOU haven't invited me to be your friend...
ME: Your the boy, you're supposed to ask first!!!
HUB: Oh, is that how it works? (now laughing in my face)

Seriously. He has not invited me to be his friend on FB. What does that really say about us? He's invited sooooo many people that he hasn't talked to in YEARS (decades, really) to be his long lost best friend, but not me - his better half, the love of his life, his life partner, his lobster!!!!

Well, I'm not asking him... because I'm a little old-fashioned in this regard. He has to make the first move. May be a really long wait! It took two months for him to ask me out after he first 'saw' me. He was quick to point out that it took only about nine months to pop the big question.

Still, he could ask just to be polite...

Of course, I could always just ignore his request - teach him to hog all the hot dogs!!!!!!!!!!

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