Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Job Market Just Got More Dangerous

First off, howdy to my new readers... yes, YOU!!!!  Thank you for coming back for more!  I hope it makes your day brighter to read how goofy I am sometimes, or how much these beloved Masses drive me to the edge of the ledge, or how much I sooooo need another DC (The Elixir of Life)!

I bet you're wondering why I am talking about the job market, though the last time the Hub left town for a week with work, I found myself updating my CV and scanning the want ads.... I had a shocking phone call yesterday from the 'Rental and Step-Rental; the phone call wasn't the shock, but a tidbit of info was... SYBIL GOT A JOB!!!!  That's right, she's joined the work force there in Tejas, the Promised Land, and is apparently working part-time for a CPA. Doing what? Who knows? Who cares? She's been threatening/ promising to get a job since the birth of their first child, about 18 years ago.  Ever since then, I've had to listen to the moans and groans and financial woes, as she and her spouse tend to spend every dime they make. 

Now, one's spending habits are one's business... unless you've spent the last 18 years @#$%@ about your lack of cash flow to ME (her hubbie is a doctor, and has job security, one would think; but he changes jobs about every five years, which can really cost ya)... and then those four sets of fine china seem little frivolous to me, the listener.  And the $100 plus  Longerberger baskets she uses to put her stinky boys' dirty clothes in seem a little ridiculous.  I honestly don't think that a basket woven by one of the blessed Masses would be worth $100... and they're the fruit of my womb!  

If I have to hear once more how long it's been since she bought clothes (which was just last WEEK), I will reach through the phone and strangle her with the little annoying plastic tag do-hickeys!!!!!!!  SORRY - almost lost it for a moment.  So, she's finally gotten a job.

Frankly, I'm wondering how long her little pampered self will be able to handle actually taking orders - oh, to be a fly on the wall!  And will she get anything done, or will she talk, talk, talk.... This is usually what happens whenever we are together for a visit (which I have tried to schedule major surgery in order to avoid): 
We decide to go somewhere (please, Lord, NOT shopping...)
I try to go get dressed, or ready to leave.
SHe is talking, about who knows what.
I go get dressed.
She is STILL talking, about the same who knows what.
She finally goes to get dressed, still talking about who knows what.
I take a moment to tidy up, repack our suitcases (for a speedy get-away), return phone calls, give birth, build a house....
She comes back... yep, still talking.
We gather any and everyone/thing that is going, and then...


I bang my head against the wall.
She is still talking.
I lop off my ears... yap yap yap yap yap!!!!!
Threaten to leave without her... yada yada yada...
I am now on the edge of a nervous breakdown, fire shooting out of my mouth, head spinning around...

STILL TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally leave - I am now on my seventh Diet Coke, and paying at Sonic for another - round on the house, baby!

I give her 
a month.


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