Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Gift that Keeps on Givin'

Valentine's Day was a real hit around here - yes, it takes THAT long for me to find the time sometimes to sit down and put my thoughts out there in cyberspace.  The Hub really outdid himself this year; nope. Not diamonds. Not a new car (I do have the UDM, remember? It needs a bath, though). He gave the gift that says: I love you soooo much.

I know, you've got your mind in the gutter once again... typical! Nope. He gave me a night away with a few homies (not hammies) at a little retreat for scrappin' Nothing says I love you more than life itself than "please take your over-worked-tired-grumpy-hiney" out of town for a night!!!!  Now, some women might be offended at their spouse ASKING them to leave town... those women do not have four children, two dogs, three hammies, and a Hub.  I rest my case.  I am that woman, and 
I AM THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!  


 Oh, and I spoke with Sybil yesterday (she called - and oh, yes, I answered!!), and I am soooo slick sometimes that I impress myself; I started our lovely little chat with how are things with you, what's NEW, etc.  Funny how she failed to mention her J.O.B.  So, I just came right out and ASKED... BOY! Did that shock her! She missed a beat, and I knew that she knew she hadn't told me on PURPOSE, and that the jig was up!!!  In fact, I was even so bold as to ask her what she does at her job... hee hee hee heee!

NOTE: I am not making fun of her for working, but for the fact that in her warped multi-personalitied mind she feels the need to HIDE it from me. Yes, I do feel guilty. Just add it to the daily load of guilt and shame I tote around like a feed sack strapped to my back! I do not feel guilty enough, obviously, to refrain from blogging about it. Yeah - your perfect image of me is shattered, isn't it?

Now that's the stuff that makes it worth answering the phone some days, ya know what I mean? Hmmmm, think I'll stop by Hallmark and pick up a nice 'congrats on your new job' card!!!! GOlly, I just crack myself up!!!!!!!!!!!!  

And for those of you needing another laugh, go to you tube (not a site I normally send people to), and look up Sister Myotis - you want the Christian Panties video. Talk about worth gettin' up in the mornin' for - hilarious!  Oh, and do you have on 'good Christian panties with a GOdly cotton panel'?  ha ha ha ha ha.....

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