Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Lack of Reputation

Apparently, my reputation has gone to the very dogs I feed and clean up after, or even lower, as indicated by the interesting emails an estranged cousin - estranged by her for reasons still unknown to me -  though I should get a clue from the interesting emails she has started sending in the past month or so. That's right, I haven't heard or talked with her in YEARS; then, the emails started.

They started benignly enough: God loves you (this I am VERY thankful for), God forgives you (again, infinitely thankful), God wants a personal relationship with you (Huh? Does she know me at all? I write and record Christian music? I used to talk with HER about God? Hmmmmm....) But, all in all, it is nice that she sends these bulk, mainly forwarded-stick-your-name-here-for-a-blessing-and-send-to-ten-of-your-friends emails.... But, NOTHING PERSONAL. No how are you's, no how are your kids, how's life, here's what's new in my world. Nope. I do not forward these, BTW.

So, apparently, based on whatever source of info she has (DOD and Sybil), I am going to Hell! Wow! That's news to me!!!! News to The Almighty too!  I've got news for her: WHEN YOU GET TO HEAVEN, DON'T BE SURPRISED TO SEE ME THERE! Seriously, I never really considered my eternal salvation up for question or recruitment, as I am quite secure in the fact that I love God - which I thought was a known fact. So, in case, you didn't know, I love God and Jesus is my Savior. There, now you know. Whew! 

So, could someone please tell my cousin? Frankly, the emails have escalated to "the wings of angels and trumpets, and people riding away on clouds and are you with them?" kind of genre, which I don't think is really a great way to proselytize by email. For some poor souls this could scare the bejeezuz out of them and drive them straight into some type of snake-handling cult! I oughta know, I've been there!!! Criminy!

And when the fear factor goes, you're stuck with a bunch of reptiles...
Gotta go pick up the mice....

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