Sunday, March 1, 2009

Something to talk about

Well, I confess... I've been having a little fun on FB, seeing what some of the crazy folks I knew way back when are up to now.  It is also fun, because my name has changed so much since then - in fact, almost completely. No, I am not a part of the Witness Protection Program, though somedays living in Arkansas feels like it. So, my BF from High School (henceforth to be known as BFHS) has been tattling on me to some people that have inquired about me to her. 

So, this little trip down memory lane has brought a few belly laughs, and even more wistful sighs at how young and STUPID we were!!!  So, I have decided to dig into the long forgotten box of HS pics today, while #4 is napping. Never fear, the UGLY YEARS will remain sealed - you're safe!

So, this made me journey down the self-reflection path even more, to look at what, who and when shaped me... like emotionally, not physically; that is totally due to #'s 1,2,3,4, and my dastardly, sinister thyroid gland. I have to admit (thankfully) that I have come a long way, baby!!!  In fact, recently I have run into some folks that ordinarily I'd avoid like they were angry rattlesnakes, but NOPE! I plowed on ahead and was nice and polite. I stop, chit-chatted, and basically chose not to let it interrupt my day. I'd say that's growth.

Also, I notice some MARKED improvement in the hair and make-up...
(can you say "Sebastion Hair Shaper?", hotpink lipstick)

Yep. growth is GOOD!!

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