Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Seriously, what could be grosser than copious amounts of snot and phlegm flying freely from ones orifices, but the nasty medicine I am taking to dry it up!  What did people do thousands of years ago when they contracted the common cold, or worse?  Did they think they were dying, cuz, frankly, I sorta feel that way.  Did they just lay down and wait for it to pass, moaning and writhing on their woven mats, beholden to the benevolent and kind clansmen/women for food and water... and to think they braved it without Diet Coke - GASP!!!!

I have always wondered this, every time I've gotten sick, but I've never told anyone for fear that they'd think I was wack-a-doo; you are still reading my blog and therefore KNOW that I am wack-a-doo, henceforth the WORD: wack-a-doo!

So, I did a little research and discovered that if the ancients were relying on herbs for relief, they sooooo had us beat!!!

For example: opium (morphine), or marijuana, or mushrooms, or hemp, or any of the other hallucinogenic NATURALLY occurring plants used medicinally. You have to agree that there's a pretty potent, and appetite stimulating, arsenal out in the natural world!  Now, I am not endorsing the use of any of these by any law abiding citizen (such as myself, and yourself), but it really makes me wonder what's in the fancy long chemical name I'm taking to dry up the snot, that also seems to make me feel warm and sleepy.  Some of them make me tachycardic, sweaty, and crazy-eyed - I avoid these for obvious reasons, and for the fact that I don't want my picture in the post office, if you know what I mean.  Praise God that none of these over-the-counter meds has given me the munchies (I have been known to sleep eat, and recently it was #4's birthday cake... this REALLY happens!).

Which makes me wonder, have we really come that far?  Scientists are turning back to nature to discover chemotherapy drugs, and painkillers... any Rainey killers? He's certainly a pain!!!!  Sorry, little distracted.  Seriously. Are we as evolved as we think we are?

Well, I can tell you, for one, that in this house, WE DEFINITELY ARE NOT!!!  Why tonight at dinner, I had to encourage STRONGLY that all dining parties USE A FORK!!!!! Sheesh.

But I'll stick to my laboratory, FDA approved cold medicine which makes me feel warm and sleepy....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister! This is hilarious!
BTW.....loved the pictures today! She is precious!