Monday, June 30, 2008

Drama Queen

Do you hear that noise? That is the sound of #1 crying because she doesn't want to do her summer school work.  That I gave her HOURS ago.  It's a review. Math.  So far, you'd think I'd told her that at almost 9 she'd been asked out by the cute Jonas brother, and can't go!!! ANd it is really terrible acting!!! She's gonna need to really work on it - so I tried to show her how... but she wasn't amused!  Imagine, how ungrateful she is to not appreciate the advise of an expert!!!!  I was a Thespian in high school... wasn't everyone?  Didn't we all take acting or star in the school play, at least on our sorority rush application?  We were also all cheerleaders, pom pom girls, and student body presidents!!!!  

So, I know you are outraged that I am making her do school work, but it is all part of my sinister plot to get her, and the other Masses, into college and out as functioning adults in the world, so that we can retire!!!!  This, folks is a retirement plan!!!!!  This is our job - to get em educated and gainfully employed, to help em find Jesus and a Godly spouse (I want lots of grandkiddies), and to keep them out of the penitentiary!!! So, back to crackin' the whip and helping her future GPA!!!!  Add, subtract, multiply, divide!!!!  Read, read, read!!!! And stop that bawling!!!!!

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