Monday, June 30, 2008

I am convinced after a few weeks home with my four children for summer vacation, that the fair tale Snow White was altered years ago in the age old art of storytelling.  I know this because every morning I greet the day singing, throw open the proverbial windows (we have allergies and asthma - no window opening here), start my daily chores and await the joyous faces of my Little Dwarfs.  Here ends the fair tale.

First it is Pouty (#2), that makes his way upstairs... and has he grown a little overnight?  Followed by Grumpy (#3), demanding chockie milk, which he will receive if he can ask nicely thank you very much, as I was not put on earth by God to be his slave.  Somewhere in there, Clingy the Velcro child (#4)wakes up for Ninni, and finally, Bossy (#1) skulks her way upstairs, or turns on the big screen downstairs - blaringly loud!!  In the fairy tale, the dwarfs are all Happy, except for Grumpy and Sneezy, and can you blame the latter? He's in serious need of Zyrtec!  

Instead of happily getting to work and tidying up, we end up with their alter egos, Whiney, Weepy, Drooly, and Sassy, respectively... and interchangeably.  The poison apple is what ever crosses em the wrong way which leads poor Snow White's metamorphosis into the wicked Witch!!!!  And the eternal slumber? Her idea of heaven on earth, as the Wicked Witch hasn't slept through the night in over 9 years!!!!!  Finally the handsome Prince (played by The Hub at this house) returns from work to give Snow White/ WW a big kiss - which in the original fairy tale was to lock the children in the dungeon and repeat their names in an annoying high-pitched nasally tone until they cry! You can clearly see how the original story went now, can't you. So can I. And the mirror on the wall, my wedding picture,... when I really was a princess!

Kinda makes ya wanna keep the newer version of the story, dunnit?  GOtta go alter-egos Pesky and Stinky Pants are out, and Sulky and wounded Feelings are on the loose!!!

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