Thursday, June 26, 2008

Extolling the Virtues of the Sonic Diet Coke

Oh, Sonic Diet Coke, how I love thee, let me count the ways! I love your styrofoam cup that  only sweats in 100 degree heat, your crushed ice which melts so slowly and preserves the beverage so well.  I dream of your long straw that allows me to drive and still drink; and red is my favorite color, my love!!!  But most of all, your composition is divine - perfectly balanced syrup and carbonation!  You, my dear, are the essence of life - nectar of the gods, the elixir of my life!


Unknown said...

I think you should just have a catheter put in and have stations to hook it too throughout your home and vehicle....much more eco friendly...

Katie said...

Oh, what a brilliant idea! I totally agree - much more Earth Mother! did you know there is bacteria that eats styrofoam? I'd be happy to 'compost' my cups!!!!