Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Po Folk Fun

Well, it's summer time and livin' is easy!!!  time to try out a little po folk fun, especially for those of us who are po folk! What is po folk fun? What - you live under a rock? Well, let me tell ya, it is a unique and special form of entertainment that takes years to perfect; certain things are required: tight budget or very tight budget, red-neck mentality (and I mean this in the nicest possible way). Others are optional: children, pets, common sense.

So, to help you get started, I have composed a top 10 list of Po Folk Fun:

10) Swatting the flies; this can involve even the youngest kids in the family, and count as exercise at the same time - those buggers are fast!!!!

9) Hand cranking ice cream - yes, the hard way, requiring a kid to sit on the maker while someone rips their arm out of socket turning the darned crank.  Rich people go to Baskin Robbins - po folk sweat for it!

8) Ladder jungle gym - this sounds pretty much like what it is! All you need is a long ladder that bends, or you can duct tape two together, and the kids use this as their jungle gym. 

7) Tick pickin'. Now, ordinarily this might sound like a big downer, but the more po folk in your family, the more fun! Talk about gettin' to know each other!!!

6) Pickin' ticks off your younguns privates IN PUBLIC! This takes tick pickin' to the next level! You'll be amazed how many folks you can meet and greet this way with your four year old screamin' "Mama, I gotta tick on my wee wee!"

5) Car towin'.  This can be a full Friday of fun for the resourceful po folk family! Start with one stranded car, and a few kids to ride in it, and a working vehicle to tow said car and kids! Make it a parade with music and streamers!! 

4) Daddy daycare. This form of entertainment involves Dad paying not one lick of attention to his children, working on his car/ watching football/ playing cards/ etc. resulting in one or more of the children being injured badly enough to require an emergency room visit.  Po folk can't afford  a sitter and will therefore resort to Daddy daycare again and again.

3) Chasing the renegade dog, who constantly escapes and rolls in poop and /or gets sprayed by a skunk, down the street yelling "and don't come back!"

2) Clean dead squirrel out of the redneck pool; rich people can afford to pay someone to do this nasty job... po folk have to do it themselves!


1)  A good Friday night family delousing!!  Nothing says family fun and bonding like Nix for everybody!!!  Pop some popcorn, set the timer, and start nit pickin'!!!!  This form of fun should not be undertaken for the inexperienced po folk, or weekend po folk; professional po folk only!!!

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