Saturday, December 6, 2008

Food and Whine

So, toady I receive my monthly edition of Food and Wine. I am not really sure why I still get this magazine - I rarely have time to read it, and it isn't like anyone besides myself and the Hub would eat these lovely gourmet meals.  But I still get it; so, today's cover boasted easy to prepare, simple meals we MUST try!!!!  Ok, maybe they used fewer exclamation points.

Anyway, I flipped through the periodical to the desired section, where I found exactly ONE recipe that I thought would not be a complete waste of time!  First, many of these delightful recipes feature shellfish - big no-no for us because #3 is allergic to shellfish (I no longer steam lobster tails).  Secondly, because I basically live in a very scenic and attractive middle-of-nowhere small town, I couldn't find this and that 'fresh' if my life depended on it. I can just imagine asking the butcher for a squab!  Anyway, I think I hang on to this hobby of the past because it makes me feel somewhat glamorous, less 'wipe the dried animal cracker sludge off my back', you know?

There will be a time for the fine china and silver, it just isn't now. Now is for teaching the masses to sit to eat, chew with their mouthes closed, ask politely for things at the table, wait until Mom sits down before you start eating, use a fork... no, not which fork to use, I mean literally USE A FORK!  Things such as keep your feet off the table are important right now.  China comes later.

So, I also have to tell you what I heard some tweens talking about last night: their MySpace accounts, or lack of, and who's been cyber-stalked. Nice!  Apparently it is prestigious to claim stalking.  Of course, none of these little munchkins fully understands that they are perishable... but their parents do.  No doubt, most of these girlies are telling a tall tale about their cyber-stalker; but it makes me wonder about society today when our youth consider it cool to have your health and well-being (or LIFE) threatened?  I think it's time to cut back on the boob-tube, and you-tube, and any other 'tubes'.  And do their parents know? At least two girls had MySpace pages that their folks were unaware of, and one girl was going to get one without permission.  They also discussed who'd had their first kiss.  Again, don't remember this being such a huge deal....  SO, moms and dads, keep your eyes and ears, and cyber-senses alert - and the porch light ON - hey, I can flicker mine!!!!

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