Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fa la la la la (burp)

Yes, I may need some serious alcohol by the time New Year's rolls around. Not everyday one gets to find an errant hammie, carry the injured dog out four times to potty, carry the other dog, Mr. Pee-body aka Satan Incarnate, out to the 'potty' about 5 million times, change baby's poopy diaper twice (countless pee diapies), and feed the Masses and all of the fur family to boot!!!  Can you say Wonder Woman (oh, and yes, I would have satin tights - with diamonds, baby!)  

All in all, I'd say that I have been a VERY GOOD GIRL!!!!!  

WOW!!!! Fat Annie has some serious gas - shew-eee!!!!  Guess all that pain medicine and lack of activity has made her a little gassy? M-E-R-C-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!  Someone get me a gas mask - gasp!  AAAACCKKK - I'm suffocating in here!!!!!!

Well, through the cloud of green farts I can see to type to tell you that I am almost ready for the Big Holiday.  And, really, who doesn't know which one I am referring to?  I figured out why the Catholic/ Orthodox church chose December as the time to celebrate this giant holiday.  Oh, you know you are on pins and needles waiting to hear my crazy explanation.  OK, here it is:

If we had to start the year off with this kind of celebration, we'd just give up. We couldn't get bigger and better all year - too exhausting!  Really - does the 4th 'take it out of you' physically and financially the way Christmas does?  Have you ever uttered the words:' if I can just make through Labor day to Halloween, I think I can relax then?' 

NO. YOU HAVE NOT.  No one has. Because those holidays aren't celebrated to the extent that the birth of Jesus is.

Question is, why don't we make a bigger deal of the Resurrection - after all, if He'd stayed dead, He'd have just been another prophet...

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