Monday, December 15, 2008

The Chronicles of Ninnia

So, folks, I hereby claim this title: "The Chronicles of Ninnia" for my up and coming book, which I thank all of you working so hard and definitely overtime to secure the deal (get on it Andrea - work it, girl, work it!)  Last night, the Hub misspoke when asking me if I'd like to watch the Chronicles of Narnia, the fantastic series which will no doubt pale in comparison to my epic tale.  Seriously.  And, the title was born!  So, I am going to print off all these blogs and emails, and voila - a book! Better camp out now for your signed copy!!!!

And update on the War of the Sisters: Former SSF signed me up for an AARP membership, and I laughed so hard I cried!!!!  She's the one people think is MY mother!!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!!  I'm thinking hard, my friends - so hilarious!!!!  I can count 5, maybe 6 times she's been referred to as my mom or someone else's mom... hee hee hee!!!!!  In fact, it happened so many times in one week that it kind of sent her into a crisis: new hair style, new exercise kick, new paranoia... she always thinks I am looking at the top of her head.  She is just very reserved on first impressions; not surprised she knew the AARP website so well, though!

On other news: Fat Annie Still At Large!

Yes, I spent the better part of the day calling radio stations, the paper, the local vets, and the animal shelters looking for a lost, portly, female beagle, to no avail.  The Hub reassures me that most likely some benevolent soul with closets full of dog food is sheltering her during this arctic storm, and that she is warm and happy, and happily eating THEIR furniture.  I'm OK with this illusion; I do hope she's OK though.... Our gate, which is routinely climbed OVER rather than OPENED by two or three boys and a few girls, blew open in Saturday night's winds - Fat Annie the Very Bad Dog took it as a sign from God to 'run, Annie, run'! And she did.  Since she's a hound dog, I would think she could smell her way home (she leaves enough pee-mail when we go on walks), but she isn't done 'ho-ing' around I suppose. Ho Ho Ho!!!  

Keep praying she comes back - I feel like we should try to take good care of her,... and I don't want to hear #1 bawl about this for weeks!  There goes MORE money for the therapy fund, sheesh!!! "And I remember when our dog ran away during an ice storm, and she NEVER CAME BACK  (breaking down into sobs)!!!!!"  

I don't need more guilt,... really.  Well, gotta go plot revenge ...


Unknown said...

I'm workin in baby. I just need to know what my cut is. An idea for the second book, after the visits with the shrink - "Ninnia Mania"----3rd book - after the visits with the great plastic surgeon and his wonderful knife - "Ninnia Magic - Bigger and Batter", you see where we are going with this.

Unknown said...

woops, I meant to say, "I'm workin IT baby"

Unknown said...

Ok, you can obviously tell that I did not use spell check - Not Bigger and Batter - but Bigger and Better. OMG

Katie said...

LOL!!!! Yeah, let's emphasize the BIGGER part, cuz the ninnia time is coming to an end, I fear - and that means (dum dum duuuummmm) the EXODUS is coming!!!! AAArrrrgggghhhh!!!!! So, exactly who's gonna see the shrink? Me or them? Or both?