Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Believe...

I Believe....

1. anyone that misinterprets 'easy ice' as 'pack it to the gills with ice' needs to be on my prayer list; they are just stupid!

2. buttercream is proof positive that God loves us... a lot.

3. buttercream IS its own food group.

4. there ought to be an off switch after you're done bearing children.

5. all treatments for spider veins should be reimbursed by the children that caused them.

6. that I ought to have some privacy in the potty.

7. women should have a little pop-up button that signals to our men when we are ready.

8. nice shoes should be affordable; no need to torture the innocent bystanders with views of ugly shoes!

9. pediatricians should have at least one child, preferably two.

10 . that caffeine is more than just your friend.

11. relationships with relatives should be optional.

12. scrappin' should be an Olympic event.

13. people should have to complete a screening process prior to procreating.

14. one can never have too much time or supplies for scrappin'.

15. I am not obligated to explain myself to my kids; I am the Momma, therefore you obey.

16. baby's drool is good for your skin.

17. the UGLY YEARS should remain locked away forever.

18. you should just speak your mind to my face, with kindness of course; talk behind my back comes full circle, and it is usually worse than what you would have/ did say!

19. sarcasm is a way of life.

20. Sonic should deliver.

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