Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Rocket (as promised)

Well, so far my advertising hasn't gleaned me any more followers, but I have only begun to brainwash - muh wah wah wah wah wah!!!! (Insert evil laugh and handwringing). 

Yes, it is that roadtrip time of year, and in the heart of every parent that means mass chaos and a bald spot from pulling out your hair.  Thankfully, with the invention of the TV in the car, the old road trip songs are much catchier - nothing like the Masses' favorite show's theme song for ten hours!!!!  And, since there are sooooo any of us, and we like to haul lots of stuff where ever we go, we put the Rocket on top of my nice new ultimate driving machine (UDM).

What is the Rocket?  Well, my uninformed friend, the Rocket is a suppository shaped storage device that rides on TOP of the UDM in PLAIN SIGHT advertising to the world that we have a large family and carry lots of c-r-a-p!  I have threatened to paint flames and/or flowers on it (spruce it up), as it tends to nest up there - it requires two adult men to hoist up there and position correctly; this requires The Hub contacting a buddy to lend a hand, and since it is NOT HIS vehicle, he is usually in no hurry to call in a favor. It rides for MONTHS on my car... the price I pay for a week away!

No, it isn't bad enough that I drive the UDM, it now has a flying suppository attached to the top. Yeah, me.  It is sooooo nifty that I had a senior citizen follow me to enquire where I purchased said lovely suppository.  All I need is a track suit, fanny pack, and a Metamucil wafer - look out bingo night!!!

We are taking the fam to Tejas, and as Sister Scout says, nothing like a family vacation to land you in divorce court!!!  I'm hoping there are no sudden deaths due to repeated 'are we there yets'!  BUt just to be on the safe side... keep us in your prayers.

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