Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let it snow, Baby!

As I type, the basement is being ravaged by four boys - two are mine and two are guests.  I am scarred to go down there!!!

So, why am I so concerned with snow?  Well, let me explain! (like I wasn't going to anyway - this is my blog and that's what I do... yada yada yada!!!!)

Yesterday, as I dressed for the day, I daringly decided to try on the skinny jeans - the post baby jeans were getting rather roomy - so I dug them out.  Believe it or not, they fit pretty well!  I checked in the 'rearview' mirror... NOT BAD!!!  then I turned around to straighten my shirt...

I looked like a snowman!!!!

I fainted!!!

Apparently, all my extra skin and post baby fluff had easily slid above the jeans line, and was now orbiting my waistline, beneath my boobs!!!!  Yea! I have my own ring - look out Saturn, competition comin'!

I looked like a snowman with even 'balls': boobs, orbiting belly fluff, and the lower half.  Seriously, I had to laugh or I'd be suicidal with shock and grief!!!!  What is this stuff?  It seems all loosy goosy and jiggly... could this be... SKIN?  GOod grief!!!!

I have officially decided that if this satellite continues to orbit my planet, I'm taking the kids' college funds and getting a tummy tuck!  Really, I think it would be for the best - kids have sane, happy momma... or kids have college education to get a good job to support their crazy, fluffy momma who wears track suits and sips Diet Coke all day!!! (hey, I wear yoga pants - waaaayyyyy different that a track suit! And I GUZZLE DIet Coke - I AM a professional, ya know)  GAAAWWWDDD - I might even start watching soap operas and reading TV Guide!  Lord save us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and this morning, yes THIS morning, we ended Pip's vacation - Sophia and Orrin caught her and returned her to her nice townhouse sized cage.  She'll have to just dream about her time under the dryer!!!!

THere's the timer for the boys' cookies!!!!  Better 'fluff' my way in there (watch me wiggle, see me jiggle, cool and fruity - sure, I'm a little fruity... or is that nutty?)


Susan said...

Yeah!!!! I'm glad you found PIP!

Katie said...

so sorry to inform you that Pip passed away on her latest attempt to escape to a life of dryer lint and dog food. We will all miss her.