Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Too Much Information

There are certain things, that as a daughter, I do not want to know about my father... ever.  So, DOD (dear old dad) and Nana came to visit, and tonight he and I drove to the pharmacy to retrieve some scripts for the Masses.  When we arrived, the following scenario played out:

Me: Do you need anything, or did you want to wait in the car?
DOD: No, I don't think so.
Me: OK, then I'll be right back.
DOD: Wait there is something I need.
Me: Do you want me to get it for you? What is it?
DOD: I need some hemorrhoid suppositories.
Me: Well, put it in park - you're on your own for that one!

Yes, he wanted me to peruse the aisles and just pick him up some hemorrhoid suppositories, not cream - nope!!! Butt pills!!!  You have gotta be kidding me!!!  We parted once inside the doors of the Walgreens.

But that isn't all.  when we got into the car, he apparently needed to discuss this a little, or whole lot, more!  So, he told me how he'd run out on Sunday, but thought it would be best to have some on hand for the trip home.  He's been having some problems; I prayed silently this was not genetic!!!!  Then he told me about his hemorrhoid conversations with his doctor. Sorry I missed it first hand!

I love DOD, but I wasn't really ready for such personal info... I don't think I ever will be!!!  But, it is good for a giggle or two!

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