Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Birthday

Well, I'm a year older - sure beats the alternative!  And so far, so good!  I'm not into the whole birthday thing - oh, the gifts are great, but I really want time with my family and friends.  This year, I asked the Hub to donate in my honor to the Project Smile, which travels worldwide repairing cleft lip and palates in third world countries at no cost to the families.  THis is really what I wanted. Awesome!!!  Everytime I see the beautiful smiles of the Masses, I will think of how some blessed parents are seeing the physical beauty of their child match the inside beauty.

My kids gave me scrappin' stuff, and #1 blew me away with a pillow she and Grandma needlepointed for me - she's nine (#1, not Grandma)!  I am a blessed gal!!! The Scrapheads treated me to lunch and dinner, different days and different members.  I felt really celebrated.

Perhaps this birthday thing isn't so bad after all.  I think the celebration is more about the fact that people are glad you were born, not the mileage!  Now that, I can buy into.

For Christmas, I'd like him to donate to the Backpack Meals program at a church in town - they provide weekend meals for kids that might not get enough food for the weekend, and secretly slip the items into their backpacks; they are items easy to prepare, even for a first grader.  Now that says Merry Christmas all over it!!!

Why am I telling you this?  Well, I got to thinking about how much I am blessed with (not Bill Gates style or anything), and I decided that it was time to start giving back.  You know, adopt a family for Christmas, buy toys for kids who might not get any, work at a soup kitchen, etc.  So, this is how I'm starting.  Sure, we give through out the year, and donate clothes, toys, etc, but I wanted to give up something BEFORE I used it - make it really mean something - make it my gift - give my gift - be blessed because I'm gonna do with less (I have everything I need!!!)  And I'd like to encourage you gals, and the hair guru, to think about doing something similar, if you are able.  It doesn't have to be costly financially - make it a gift of time (decorate a tree at the nursing home?).  Happy thinking!!!

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