Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Legend of the Box People

Aaah, the mysterious legend of the Box People. An amazing story, truly exciting edge-of-the-seat, nail-biting suspense! Never heard of it? What, you live under a rock?? OK, so maybe I made it up. But it is good, and no doubt you know some Box People!

Box People are just what they sound like: they do not 'think outside the box' ( not to be confused with 'out of the closet' - completely different concept here). They only interact with people like themselves, that adhere to an often spoken code (usually best understood in their jibes at unboxed people - done behind their backs, of course), that dress like them, and think like them, and eat like them, and exercise like them, and drive cars like them. They do not readily accept new people into the Box that do not act appropriately to their preconceived and pre-appointed station ( appointed by none other than the Box People themselves). In short, they only like their own kind, stick to their own kind... sorry channelling West Side Story (humming)...

And you know Box People; you live next to them, or with them, go to work or school with them; you see them at church, in town, at the gym. They are nice to you, cheerful and engaging even...


Behind your back, they are talking about you, speculating, dishin' about your outfit and your muffin top, taking apart every word you said... and interpreting it based on past information the Poison Ivy Vine has passed around, true or false. Yep, if you aren't one of them, they know it, and you are fair game!!!!

Which makes everyday life exciting! Sure, you could hole up in your house and become a recluse, but why??? I figure, if they wanna talk, give em sumpin' to talk about (oh, soooo channelling Bonnie Raitt right now!!!) Nothing like spicing up the Poison Ivy Vine with a little tall Texas tale of your own... where I come from this is called embellishing.

Now, those of you that know me KNOW that I don't need to embellish at all!! This stuff REALLY happens to me, and I do wonder what that says about me and my karma (though I am not really into Karma - that'd keep you at home thinking the universe was against ya, all right!!!)  But if you need to borrow a story, well, that 's OK too... just be sure to give credit where credit is due. And use a good codename... hence the Box People...

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