So, today, my 'former' BFF shows me HER blog complete with pic and everything - please note the update to my sight! Ain't #4 GORGEOUS? I know!!!!
So, imitation is the highest form of flattery; someone said that, I have no clue who, so I'm taking the credit for now. See how trends start? How easily they catch on? Before we know it, Grandma will have her own blog, and fill all in on her knitting groups dirty little secrets, or the latest gossip at the quilting bee!!!
Well, the Hub has been out of town for a meeting, and we have so far survived - PRAISE GOD!!! Nothing like good old Mickey D's for dinner one night. Can you say vacation from the kitchen? I made Chef Boyardee Spaghetti O's for the Masses tonight (seriously? "Chef Boyardee"?); I had soup - not so much on the canned sketti o's. All in all, we have survived in style.
Unfortunately, the Hub must miss us terribly, or be terribly disappointed in his new iPhone 3G, because when I talked with him tonight, he was G-R-U-M-P-Y! Now, I think that is wrong on so many levels! For one, he's sleeping through the night, and if he's not it is his own stupid fault!!! Number two, he has NO ONE else to take care of - no one is opening the door to the john (I hope) to ask him if they can have some juice. Number three, he's had ADULT conversation, and these folks use BIG WORDS!!! Number four, he has eaten REAL food at REAL restaurants... or better yet, has had room service where he can eat in his undies in bed with no one snitching from his plate! Number five, he has watched what HE wants to watch on the Boob Tube.
If anything, folks, he should be one truly happy camper!!! Oh, and number six, he's talked UNINTERRUPTED (wow, what a concept) on the phone or FACE TO FACE with another human being!!!
How can he be in a fowl mood? Shoot, I'd be sitting there eating strawberries with whipped cream in the favorite comfy jammies reading a really good book. So, why is he so,... well, grumpy?
Could it be that he feels a little lost in the world of normalcy and adulthood without all our familiar familial chaos? Could it be that he feels more grounded knowing that we are here waiting on him to come home, and that he'll be greeted like a hero daily? Or maybe he misses the sweet little hands and genuine hugs, and the insistent urging to play with us? Could be. Bet ya it is.
Oh, and I certainly got me an iPhone too, sister!!!